Product Detail


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  • 59-40-5

  • C14H12N4O2S

  • 300.34

  • 1.3196

  • 247-248

  • Pale Yellow to Yellow

  • Coccidiosis

  • Sulfaquinoxaline

  • Bacterial dihydropteroate synthetase

  • N


Drug Background

Sulfaquinoxaline is an antimicrobial compound belonging to the sulfonamide class of drugs. Its mechanism of action involves inhibiting the synthesis of folic acid in bacteria. By competitively inhibiting the enzyme dihydropteroate synthase (DHPS), Sulfaquinoxaline prevents the formation of dihydrofolic acid, an essential precursor required for the synthesis of bacterial DNA, RNA, amino acids, and proteins.

Our Advantages

Unibest offers solutions to wastewater issues that contain phosphorus and sulfur through process improvement. Our adopted solvents are easily recyclable and co-products can be sold, promoting sustainability. We've significantly improved the product yield from 54.4% in the original process to 82.0%. Plus, our refined product boasts a purity higher than 99%. All these advantages align with our commitment to providing green, safe, industrial production.
